I see couples in conflict, and neurodiverse couples.
It is an investment of your time, your money, and your emotional energy. It is a commitment to bettering your relationship, or figuring out if & how you can separate more amicably, especially if children are involved. My focus is twofold: increasing communication skills, and teaching neurodiverse couples how to manage emotional intimacy and the feeling of loneliness more effectively.
I offer a structure that is predictable and doable, with a cost estimate you can count on, unless YOU elect to go beyond it. Isn’t your primary relationship worth this time, energy, cost, and commitment? In my experience, it takes about 12 weeks of consistent weekly sessions for a couple to experience an internal shift that takes hold and continues to move them forward. This commitment is part of working with me, and it costs less than divorce, by a LOT. Contact me here if you are ready to do the work.
Here’s a quote from London’s most famous divorce attorney (with clients like Princess Diana, supermodel Jerry Hall, and billionaire Saudi sheiks):
Sandra Davis, London’s top divorce lawyer, has a bit of advice after 40 years.
“Avoid it if you can. Never underestimate what it will involve. A divorce is like a train wreck; it upends all relationships, not just the one with the spouse. Those who feel stifled and think a new relationship is the answer are often in for a shock. It can be liberating, a new life. But it’s not easy. It’s like indigestion. You never get rid of your ex. That goes double if children are involved.”—The Telegraph (U.K.)
A divorce is like a train wreck; it upends all relationships, not just the one with the spouse. Those who feel stifled and think a new relationship is the answer are often in for a shock.–Sandra Davis, Attorney—The Telegraph (U.K.)