I work with people who just can’t stop worrying. They tell me about the awful panic attacks they have, which can feel devastating. Many show up in the emergency room, only to be told there is nothing wrong. Being stuck in the panic loop stinks, but you can learn how to manage it so it doesn’t take over your life. The body doesn’t lie; when it shouts, you have to listen—but maybe in a whole new way. Your emotions are brilliant; they carry vital information.
But you must learn how to have a new relationship with your anxiety—the kind where you are the boss! The hardest thing to get your head around is that those “worry thoughts” create an energy that shoots you into the future of “What ifs.” You need that energy, but you don’t need it to paralyze you.
Often, panic and anxiety are intertwined. Learning how to separate them is key.
Learning to question anxiety is a significant goal you must embrace.
This takes some determination on your part because it is hard to go through the fear! But if you suffer with this, please know that you can tame it. You can’t strengthen muscle without adding greater weight, just as anxiety cannot be managed without challenging it to build your emotional awareness.